Thank you South Africa for providing the United States with something to remember the World Cup, the vuvuzela! (This also lead my wife to ask if they were mowing the lawn during the match. Priceless!)
Thank you North Korea for the World Cup performance which best illustrates your countries leader (Kim Jun IL) . Need less to say you came up a bit short.
Thank you Ron Artest for inspiring Mental Hospital patients every where to seek a future in the NBA. Seriously your post game rant / marketing pitch was the best part of the Finals.
Thank you World Cup referee Koman Coulibaly for becoming the first World Cup official to be known by name to more than 153 Americans (after costing the USA a win by dismissing the goal). You deserved your vacation, enjoy your dismissal from the World Cup.
Thank you Pac-10 and Big-12 for overshadowing the NCAA World Series with talks of college football when its not even your season yet. Seriously its too bad baseball gets the short end of the stick again.
Thank you Lady Gaga for finally giving me something I (Mets Fan) can agree on with a Yankees Fan! "Your Gross" and belong no where near either stadium.
Thank you Stephen Strasburg for proving Public Enemy wrong and letting people actually "Believe the Hype"!
And last but not least Thank you France for being the biggest joke of the World Cup and taking the focus off of England's Goalie. So nice of you to think of others.
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