Monday, August 2, 2010

Billy Madison Goes to Grad School

Have you heard of the upcoming sequel to Billy Madison.  This time the immature prankster has not only set his sights on a degree but to attend Grad School.  Impossible you say?  Only in the movies?  Well not if he plans to attend Ole Miss.  As recent as this weekend Ole Miss has announced that former Oregon QB Jeremiah Masoli will be attending Grad School at the University which will allow him to walk on to the football team and be eligible this fall.  Masoli had been suspended by Oregon for the 2010 season after pleading guilty to a felony burglary charge.  He would have been eligible to return and play for the 2011 season, but was kicked off the team after pleading guilty to marijuana possession and a traffic citation on June 16th.  Under NCAA rules Masoli can play this season because he had completed his undergrad degree if he gets accepted into a Grad School program at Ole Miss which is not currently offered at Oregon.  It  now is known that Masoli will be studying under water basket weaving/ Park and Recreation Management in Mississippi.

It is simply amazing that a student who is more of a criminal than a scholar has been accepted into a Graduate Program at an institute of higher learning.  A school who has often been in the spotlight for their nickname "Rebels", fight song "From Dixie With Love", and a racially motivated mascot "Colonel Reb", does not seem to need any other bad PR on a national stage.  I guess what they could be going for is if they bring in Masoli for this season maybe all those other things will be forgotten for a few months.  Its always easy to cover up some blemishes by having a car wreck.  Congrats Ole Miss you have the media attention again.

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