Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Farewells for August 13, 2010

This edition of Friday Farewells is brought to you by your local used Car Dealership doing what they can to put you in a high quality vehicle at an affordable price.  Used Cars they are NEW to YOU!  (This is a shameless attempt to get a better price. Is it working?).  


Good list.  Charles Barkley is off Lebron's good list & on the naughty list.  That is precisely where Chuck wants to be.  After Lebron's tweet stating that he is keeping a list of those who have betrayed him and checking it twice, Barkley decided to volunteer.  Barkley stated to Galloway on his Dallas ESPN Radio Show that Lebron could put him on the list. Tears Naw we like it when Chuck is bad.  

Any Semblance of Respect.  Wait sorry that is a typo you can't lose something you never really had, but if I did have any it is now gone.  Jim Gray has now stooped to a new low which is tough since he is all of 5' nothing.  Picking on Corey Pavin is a new low.  I don't care if they guy lied, cheated, or stole your wallet.  You are a reporter get over yourself.  Jim Gray thinks he is Tom Cruise in a Few Good Men.  Good gravy this is not a government conspiracy this is whether Corey Pavin is going to invite Tiger to play on the Ryder Cup Team.  This is not life or death, just death to the TV ratings if Woods doesn't play.  Tears, a few because Pavin didn't punch Jim Gray in the face not for this but for the whole Lebron ordeal.  

Freedom.  Did you know there are holding cells at Citi Field in New York? Neither, did K-Rod until he went ahwahll on his father-in-law (at least that is what he is being called).  This just in the Father of your baby's momma is now called Baby's GRANDPAPI My question is how is the food?  My guess is hot dogs, nachos, soda, & all the peanuts & cracker jacks you can eat.  Tears NOTTA this is between a Met & a Baby Grandpapi.    
Chipper.  Larry Chipper Jones tore his ACL ending his season & most likely his career.  Many questions have arisen as a result of this injury.  How does this affect the Braves pennant run? It doesn't help, but likely doesn't end it. Is Chipper a Hall of Famer?  Most certainly!  On a scale of 1 to 10 how devastated are true Braves fans?  100,000,239,392,393,383,395,442!  On a scale of 1 to 10 that is a lot.  Tears by the bucket full.  
I had 3 more, but I am devastated by the Chipper news and can't continue. Hopefully I can regroup for next week.  

Need more Farewells to cheer you up from your own case of Chipper Sadness? Just click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the hot dogs are Nathan's like they served at Shea then I want to go to Jail there